Sunday, August 1, 2010

Ferret has missing toenail and its black where it used to be?

can i put peroxide on it to clean it? also hes been caughing alot and hes lost some weight i need to take him in to get checked out but i live in tulsa, and i dont know what vets take ferrets. any suggestions would be great.Ferret has missing toenail and its black where it used to be?
I would probably be calling the nearest vet to ask if they see ferrets and if not, then they can suggest one that does...for the weight loss and coughing. The missing toenail isn't as concerning may be black from dried blood and any animal that is active and climbs and plays a lot can hang their nails on their cage or anything else, so it's not really uncommon, but not what you want your animal to have to go through.

the peroxide would be good to clean it. You could use a Q tip, or get a small plastic disposable cup and make him put his foot down into the cup of peroxide, that way it goes deep into the wound..Ferret has missing toenail and its black where it used to be?
Get your self a phone book and look up vets and find one that will see ferrets, and take it in right away. Why wait? Better be safe than sorry. Good Luck!!!

Have a great day!!!

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