Sunday, August 1, 2010

What is the bruise under my toenail?

After playing basketball i have noticed that the toe nail on the toe next to my big toe has become purple it hasn't caused a problem yet but i am a bit curious what the cause of this may be. I appreciate the help.What is the bruise under my toenail?
Just learned about this in my sports injury and prevention class! The technical term is a Subungual Hematoma, which is fancy for bleeding under the nail. Sometimes it will cause the nail to fall off after a few days, maybe weeks, or sometimes it could just cause some pain.

If your in pain, I recommend going to the doctor. The procedure is fairly simple, all they do is release the blood from under the nail. Not sure if you wanna know how its done because its kinda graphic, BUT it doesn't hurt.

If not that, you could have simply bruised under the nail, which would most likely cause the nail to fall off. Either way, I'd say goodbye to those toenails!What is the bruise under my toenail?
its probably a blood blister. you probably just hit it on something or mabye your shoes are to tight. it should go away fairly quickly

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