Sunday, August 1, 2010

What are some ways to fight infection around an inground toenail?

if its really bad you need to see a doctor. to avoid future ingrown toenails make sure you clip them often. there are antifunal foot aids found in the meds section of walmart or kmart etcWhat are some ways to fight infection around an inground toenail?
Clean it regularly (at least every morning and evening, and as often as possible during the day) with warm water and some kind of antiseptic. If it does get infected (i.e. starts hurting more, swells up and goes red/shiny) then you aren't going to be able to stop it from spreading so you need to go and see a doctor to get antibiotics. Don't leave it too long or it'll get really sensitive and you won't be able to walk. (I did that - it was a week of agony hobbling around on crutches!)

It also depends on how ingrown it is - if it is only a small ingrown area then you can probably deal with it at home, but if it is really digging in and you can't get the ingrown nail out yourself, you will need to see a doctor to get it out, or you won't be able to stop it from getting infected.What are some ways to fight infection around an inground toenail?
Go to a podiatrist and he will numb your toe before digging out the ingrown toenail. Then, he will instruct you to soak it nightly for two weeks in 2 quarts warm water with 1 c. white vinegar added to that water.
Go %26amp; get Out-Grow it's specifically for in-grown toe nails you apply it on the toe %26amp; after a couple of days nail will start to lift out %26amp; skin will heal I've done this %26amp; it worked
Antibiotic ointment, like neosporin, will work great! I use it on everything and it always works.

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